1968 Dodge Dart convertible BARN FIND!! PICTURES!!!

Brave? Why? I have a four dar car and a two door car to scavenge for parts. Basically any GOOD resto will for the most part involve putting quarters on a car. I have a deck lid, two fenders and two cars to cut the trunk lip out of. A GTS hood, nice grille, and finish panel will be my hard to find parts. The cowl, inner fenders, frame, and torsion bar crossmember are perfect and rust free. Use your imagination and picture it with quarter panels and a good deck lid. It doesn't look so bad does it? The foundation is what's important. Sheet metal is easily replaced. There are only a couple of the convertible parts missing and the sterring wheel, horn ring and center button are laying in the seat in PERFECT condition. The seat was unbolted to remove the carpet(the reason the floors are what they are)and the dash is PERFECT. The exterior trim doesn't matter as it won't be used anyway. Maybe I am crazy, but it looks pretty good to me for what I have invested. I could tear it down and make three times what I paid for it, but it's too solid for that.