62 valiant /6 turbo build

That's great news bill that header freddie fabbed up is very will put together I kind of had a feeling U may have been out thinking yourself. Bill I'm guilty of doing it on a regular basis. I'm going this weekend and buying a tig welder and I have started on the turbo header but I should have some good quality time in the garage this weekend so maybe I'll post some pics of my progress if I get a chance. I have a set of rocker arms that I'm hoping to possibly start working on next week I have some ideas about a couple jigs ill let I no how they work
Keep up the good work bill I no at times we think we're spinning our wheels and nothing is ever getting done but bill were trying to accomplish things that not many people have accomplished
Have a great and blessed Thanksgiving GO LOINS!

I think you're making GREAT progress, Aaron! Keep us posted on ALL your progress. That TOAD is gonna FLY!!!

Happy Thanksgiving.:D