Found a 70 Coronet R/T ???

Well that's why so many people miss out on truly rare cars. They only look as far as messy wiring, a swapped column and some bondo and automatically mentally write it off.

Who CARES about the wiring, who CARES about pedals, who cares about the paint on it?? Look at what it IS.

When I look at an old car I look right past all that CRAP and find out what kind of bones it has and whether it's something worthwhile.

People out to be whining about paint and wiring and trim on a $30,000 restored car, not some car-lot cheapy.

I guess it's time for me to jump in here.
Well, where do i start?
I agree with you somewhat TylerW.
The reason for my posts and scrutinization of this car are as follows:

(1) I didn't want Button to buy a car (or anyone else for that matter) that was in fact as you call it a ''car-lot cheapy'' which this one obviously is.
(2) Every car has potential, but, not many people are willing to bring a car like this to it's former glory as in, how it was like when it was delivered and in an ''as new'' restored condition.
(3) If it was a rare Mexican car, for example, how easy would it be to restore it when it's been obviously pieced together with a lot of incorrect parts, the correct parts would be difficult, if not impossible to find to do a proper resto on the car in my opinion.
(4) Rare doesn't always equal desirable or even cost effective when it comes to restorations.
(5) The cost to restore a car in this condition would exceed the price of $30,000 including the purchase price of the car by a good margin in my opinion. Be realistic.
(6) I have owned and driven over 100 mopars in my life, including 10 Coronets, and in my experience, after looking at a lot of cars, i know sh*t from shinola, and this one is sh*t.

You can hate me or my opinions if you like, but the bottom line is this is the kind of car that is cobbled together trying to find an unsuspecting buyer with a boatload of dreams for it and after they drive it for awhile and the real problems arise from the shoddy way that this car is put together, it will end up either being parted out, crashed, sold to someone else who is a sucker, or another still born project in a back yard, which is probably where it originated in the first place.
Rare? Maybe.
Cool? Sure.
Worthwhile? Not a freakin' chance.

We would love to save them all, i'm guilty of that, but sometimes they need to be seen for what they really are.
It's a labour of love, not the resale value you need to look at when you restore a car.
Barret Jackson prices and hype don't apply here in this case.

So, i need to ask you this question,
Why aren't you there buying it right now if it's so great?

Cheers, :evil4: