Rear Tires Suddenly Lock Up Going 65

That is a very very good idea. I had a front hose do that and lock a caliper down.

Me too! Ferrari F40 of all cars...big Bosses collection of exotica, we (collection custodian and I) would hot lap them every 6 months to keep them running. On the way in from around a large city block, the left front tire locked up and we had to drag that tire in about 150 yards to the shop. Flat spotted a perfectly good OEM Pirelli P6 (?) although they were all about 15 years old. Only had about 3000 miles on them. Oh well, only his money. We cut the hose with a band saw and it was totally closed up, MC pressure would overcome the swelling, but not the caliper return pressure. Like a one way valve. Cant explain how yours "healed"..I though one style of TF did have an issue with the band overrunning the strut.