Mac vs Pc

What if your automobile WAS built by Microshit?

You'd be driving along, and suddenly the steering wheel would freeze up and the brake pedal would do nothing. The doors would not open, and the ignition key would have no effect

Occasionally, the windshield would turn blue, and this would seem no more than a temporary annoyance

Periodically, You'd have to reinstall the engine just so that things would run once again, and for no reason, you would consider this to be a normal condition.

Since your license for the USE of your automobile, from Microshit, does not actually give you OWNERSHIP of the power plant, this means that if you were to update, say, the 273 to a 360, you would not ACTUALLY own either one of them, but merely have a license to USE them.

Since it is illegal under the license agreement to disassemble the softwa....Uh I mean engine, this means you could not tear it apart much less add any kind of speed equipment, without BUYING the license and updated permissions from Microshit.

You could not sell your old engine to a friend, because this would violate the end user license agreement with the engine manufacturer.

That's being creative! Nice writing 67Dart273!