Mac vs Pc

I cant stand apple products -__- such a cult following. Not to mention the $1200 price tag on that Macbook that cost some 13 year old kid 50 cents to make in China, just so he can go commit suicide from over working and still not being able to support his family. (and i didnt make this up, it was a huge thing against apple and their workers overseas) That goes for all apple products not just the macbooks. And aside from the morality of apple products, the programs are stupid expensive (if you can even find the program you need), every cable and connection needs an adapter to connect it to regular connections (HDMI for example). The magnet on the power adapter goes out after a few years (my cousin had to replace his twice, so get apple care if you have a macbook). As for the viruses, theyre coming. The only reason people dont make viruses for them is because its a waste of time. 90% of the world uses PCs, so why spend hours on making a Mac Virus? They are obviously growing however, so the viruses might start showing up. Also the software updates are not compatible after 4+ years. So you have to get a new Macbook if you want the latest software. But thats ok because they come out with a new Macbook, iPod, iPad every 6 months so youll be spending that 1000 dollars again very soon.

As for me I'll stick to my $600 PC. Made in the USA or Japan that hasnt killed anybody, has all the programs i need (most for free). Has all the connections i need without expensive adapters. I keep a free anti virus that has done me well for forever. I dont click on stupid links or pop ups. So my computer is just as fast as day one. And i can use any windows OS i want. Go back and forth upgrade, downgrade, whatever and i dont need to buy a new laptop to do it. Also, if i drop my laptop or spill coffee on it, I go on ebay and buy a new screen or keyboard for $40 and replace it.

Mac can blow me. And Steve Jobs shouldn't be worshiped like some sort of god (like everyone did when he passed) I mean, let him R.I.P but im sure he didnt give a F** * when his Chinese workers committed suicide.