'64 Valiant sells for over $8,000

Wow! Thats the question of the day! What is an older car worth?

You can look at the guides, you can scour the net, you can research to the nth degree. Some might say - no V8, others might say - totally original. It certainly looks as clean as a car of this vintage could be. It apparently runs like a clock. It needs nothing added, modified, scrounged to make it presentable, and little to make it perfect.

How much would you have to put in a lesser quality car to get it to that level. Seems this day that 10k for a turnkey anything seems reasonable. The liklehood of finding a better condition version of this car, cheaper in a couple of years is probably unlikely.

I just saw a NOS Sharktooth grille on craigs for $3000 firm.

My opinion, if you're looking for this particular car.. I think it's reasonable, if you're set on something else.. then you have to deal with the "compromise" vs. "what you want to spend" as determining it's value to you.