340 4 speed to 440 4speed conversion

You'll need a BB bell housing that will fit your car. I don't think the 69/ earlier B body bells will work in an A. My '70 RR had a "fake" 11" clutch, (10 7/8) so it basically is a 10 1/2" cover and bell housing, that would be the idea what you need.

The retainer on your four speed may or may not fit the hole in the BB bell

I don't know what pan/ exhaust you need. Radiator lower outlet is on wrong side, you'll either need to have the outlet switched by a rad shop or replace the radiator.

If you have power boosted brakes, you'll have to do something with that.

Yeah I was hoping someone new what bell housing I need. I do remember now a buddy of mine having to have the bearing cover turned down on a hemi 4speed to put it in a small block . Stating to look like a real pain already.