Mac vs Pc

As someone that deals with Macs every day in an enterprise-type environment...You couldn't pay me to use one at home. I understand my situation is unique in being forced to use Macs for enterprise-y things like remote authentication/authorization, remote home directories, etc., but they're so bad at it I pretty much refuse to use Macs anywhere.

If you get outside the little box Apple has made for you, they're awful. :) Even if they DID make the box for you---like remote auth, etc.---it can still be broken.

I hope you enjoy your Mac. For most people whose extent of their computer usage extends to web-surfing, e-mailing, editing the occasional pic in iPhoto and games, a Mac probably suits them just fine. Beyond that, I'd rather use just about anything else.

Gotta give Apple credit, though...The iPad is the best tablet currently out there. Still wouldn't buy one, but credit is given where credit is due.