1973 Duster

I say that because I have 10k views and only a few hundred responses thought I would be funny. I know there is not much of reading material here. Like the comics in the Sunday paper more pictures than anything. Ha Ha

I will get a couple pics of the door for you Joe.

I have had the same thought actually thought about starting a thread using the same words "for those reading". I dont understand how a hillbilly hack job with a total of not more than $2-$3k invested can get like a million hits everytime he or she posts a blurry pic and its like pulling teeth to get couple responses on the builds that top notch and done the correct way. So come on all you Voyeur's theres lots of us that put alot of time, money and thought into our builds. So hook a Mopar brother up, will ya............. Timothy, I hope this get's some people stirring...I feel your pain. Sorry about going off into looneyville a little..... :thumbrig::thumbrig::thumbrig:

by the way your views to post ratio is .018, mine is .017..... so your doing better than me.