1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

Solids are O.K to spray with panels off the car. Might be some variance in the surface finish,but that can be sanded and polished out.

Practice with that new paint gun. The first thing you need to teach yourself is how to adjust it. Slap up some cardboard and get familiar with the controls,always adjust your pattern for your needs as well,ie;For covering big areas you want a nice solid,wide pattern. Change the pattern to match the area your going to paint.

Use about 50% overlap at lthe least,more if the paint covers poorly.

Lay the first coat down light. It helps the next stick. I like to call the first coat "the sticker",lol..
Next coat will be for volume and coverage. Continue laying down coats of base uintil you have good coverage

Once you are happy with the coverage,lay down one more coat. Pull the gun back from the work,as now you just want to float the base down and even out the tone. This coat is where you will get rid of any tiger striping.

Pre prep is the most important phase. Wash that sucker down with wash&wipe,using clean lint free rags. Then tack it down,use as many tacks as you need,and blow all the dust out. If something is flapping while your blowing,remove it or tape it down. You dont want the distraction while your painting.I might have that reversed! Tack first and then wash....

You have to wear paper painters coveralls,please do this. That crap gets on your clothes,and then you throw it in the wash. Now it's in your machine etc..
And disposable nitrile gloves. And a paint resperator.PLEASE! Protect yourself..

I have tons more where that came from...

Good advice there. +1 on the respirator. You don't want that crap in your lungs. I change my filters after every paint job.