Ported Indy VS open chamber ported W2

I have the shift light set a 8000. The rev limit on the digital 6 at 9000. Last mopar cruise at Reagle Dodge in Bangor Pa. I was told no way! could a small block mopar go that high and stay together. So I did a J. Force tire torch out front and left it sit with the recall on for all to see including members on here. 9300.

This motor is two years old. Its coming out this year for rings and lifter change. My engine builder told me RPM's with no load will not hurt this motor. Its hard to load this motor on the street with the suspension and tires I have. If its hooking hard I shift at 7000 1-2 7500 2-3 I have taking this to 8500 in drive with 456 gears and 29 inch rubber to hold off a GT500. I don't know the excact MPH but the 150 speedo was pegged . It does get real light and hard to control , So you need big Ganolas to street drive this car. And never under estimate its power.

This car will kill you in a heart beat. This is what happened to one I sold to someone who had no respect for HP. He is no longer here. lost it shifting into drive and hit a rock. I am sure you saw these pics of my old GSS Demon.

I was called to the seen for to tow and clean up an accident seen and couldn't believe my eyes. It was my car. The steering wheel was against the passenger side A-pillar before they cut off the roof an door to remove the passenger. My friend , The drivers legs were wrapped up in the floor and he looked as though he exploded. He had it for three days. This is why I will not sell my Duster with the motor in it, But it will be sold.