'75 Dart "Hang 10"

My name is Mike and a good friend was about to send this rare survivor to the scrap yard...Then offered it to me first! As I've looked into these 'surfer edition" cars we have found fewer than 100 of them left between the U.S. and Canada, so I am a proud owner for sure! Another friend and I started building it last year and this is where I am now. She's missed 2 Daytona Turkey Runs so far but won't miss another!
She was originally a /6 car, but was without a motor when I got her. I am now running a 318. This year will see a 360, a new 8-3/4 rear end, paint, upsize the wheels and hopefully a new interior. She is my daily driver and I am always happy at just how many people wanna ask about the car. I've had veteran hot rodders aproach me who've never seen a "Hang 10" in person! Which makes getting this car completed even more a sence of pride.
Still trying to find various parts but stilll goin' and I will keep you all posted on my progress.