Slant 6 mod's

copied from another post of the same topic...

"im kinda in the same boat, i have a 73 dart swinger with the 225 3 spd grandpa is a drag engine builder, he said to start with exaust(sp?), and that the 2 part headers are best (gives you more room to work around them later...he said then do your intake (offenhauser of course, seems they are the only ones). he said 4 barel is fine but not to really go over 500cfm because youll flood it...he said at the same time you do your intake do a cam, again, if not you're just dumping to much gas in, IMO, MSD is always nice, roller lifters and rockers (if they make em, im not sure), but the rollers would free up a ton of friction and possibly free up (im guessing) 30-40 horse...small things like electric fans cant hurt, take out the A/C (if you have it like me)......on a side note...i've been doing some looking around...when you get a intake, try to fine one that has each passage seperate (the two in the middle are normaly connected to each other) but ive come to understand that by sperating the middle two it help keep the heat down, wich of course is gonna help a little in not an expert, and im leaving this very open to scruteny, because again, im trying to get the same info as OP
after some more sure not to damage your intake or headers, because it seems it is a little tricky to find a pair that will work with each other....i guess ausi and clifford intakes will try to share the same space with hooker super comps....but im kinda under the impression that the offenhsr wont....either what you bump em into as you may need to send them back.....seems like your best bet is to get your dream intake, then have your header custome built around it. "

and i agree with much as i love the idea of 6 cyl taking will NOT be car already gives most "ricers" at least a run for there money and its stock...most ricers (courtesy of fast and the furious) think they can bolt on a new exaust throgh a body kit on it and its automaticly a 13 sec beating those fools shouldnt be much of a problem with only a few of what i listed above