Head rest release?? (pics)

The secret is you need to pop the bezels off, then run a small, thin piece of metal down the channel. The back side of the seat is where the clip is (as if you were standing behind the chair, the side closest to you).

Something like a hacksaw blade, but not an actual hacksaw blade! Try to run it down and allow it to push the metal tab away. It only grabs one side, the inners I think. You'll be able to tell when you yank up on the headrests which one is locked in and which one feels like it's free.

You can yank on them to your hearts content, but you may damage the metal tab, and I'm not sure there work right again. Since I'm reskinning my bench seat, I cut a long horizontal window through which I could see the tab and just bent it back with a screwdriver, but this idea should work just as well. Good luck.