I really, really have to stay out of gun shops

If they take guns out of the average law abiding citizen's hands, there will still be guns out on the streets and every one of them will be in the hands of a criminal. Then we can see how you like living in that kind of world.

I can tell you, they have virtually done away with handguns and semi-auto military rifles up here in Canada.

It is such an administrative burden just to take my pistol to the range, half the time I'm probably breaking the law because I don't have the right permits on me. Or because I've gone for coffee in town on the other side of the range from my house, which is not the most "direct route" from the range home, which is a requirement of my transport permit.

Home invasions are on the rise, probably due to druggies. If I shoot someone for breaking into my house I'll be the first one in cuffs, but so be it.

I wish that I could legally defend myself, instead of being expected to wait for the cops to show up and mop up the mess.

Spent 4 years in the army where I was trained to defend my country, but I'm not considered competant enough to use a gun to defend my family.