Body Work Expertise Needed

OK I'll bite. First off I think you have the order of products a little bit out of order. TRIO prime is a self etching primer that is designed to eliminate the metal conditioning step that the Twin Etch is supposed to do. You don't need to do both and you definitely don't want to put it over Tec prime, TRIO goes directly onto metal. If you want some advice, don't use either, but sand down to bare metal, and then use a good epoxy primer. You can put body filler directly over epoxy primer, then use a good 2K primer. Block, block block. Finish up with at least 320 grit I usually do 400 or better. I use a transparent sealer, then basecoat(s), then 2-3 coats of clear depending on the clear. Then comes my impersonation of Jimmy Buffet (Buff-it) starting with 1000-1200 color sanding then lots of quality time with a foam pad and compound.