Car Accident = car gone

I had a cube van catch fire and burn back when I had my mattress company. I had full coverage on it and they wanted to pay me chump change. It did have some rust in the box but it had a rebuilt motor and transmission. They offered me about $1100 for it and that wasn't close to the value. I had about $6,000 in it and that was too much so I knew they would never pay me that. I had spare trucks so I wasn't in a hurry so I told them to go buy me another one that matched mine. It had to have open out doors and at least a 15 foot bed with a 351W small block like mine. They shopped the local Oklahoma market and couldn't find one. Then they expanded to the surrounding states and couldn't find one. They gave up and paid me $3650 and I kept the truck. Luckily I found another truck for $3500. Cube Vans were pretty newly added to the Uhaul and such companies fleets so that wasn't an option to buy one. Back then there was no way to search the net like we have now and there just wasn't many cube vans to be found. Stand your ground and tell them you need a rental car until this is settled. Make sure you aren't injured because sometimes it takes a few days to show up.

I know of a 64 Valiant they paid off on at the real value of around $2,000 and the owner got to keep the car. It wasn't hurt bad and is still on the road today.

There is a thread on here from a member that went through the same thing as you are and he won in the end.

Someone help me out here. The car above was like a 73 to 75 Cream/Tan 4 door Valiant or Dart that is owned by a member on the upper west coast. He has a picture of that car and a 1940s model 2 door car in his avatar. His advise might help the op in dealing with the insurance companies.