New sharktooth grills !

I remember just a couple of years ago a sharktooth grill was going for $350-$400. Now a decent one is in the $1,200 range. These new ones at $750 are quite a bit more $ then I expected them to be, I figured in the $300-$500 range. This hobby is starting to feel like everyone is trying to THEIR hands in YOUR pockets. Making it hard to enjoy and I haven't even been in it long lol. I blame shows like Barret Jackson. People with TOO MUCH bloody money who don't care how much they pay for a car, in turn raising prices everywhere else cause other people all of a sudden think after watching that show that their 1970 rotted 6 banger car in thier garage is worth as much as the "rare" version they saw on that damn show. It's a shame....

well thats my rant for the day. lol