KOBALT stainless steel tool chest

Very nice! Looks good sitting by that fresh painted wall!!

Yeah the walls are still clean right now. lol

I have ALL my tools inside that sucker and still have plenty of room. I couldnt believe I got all my tools in there. Some are junky tools that really need to through in the trash. I have four 3/8" drive ratchets. lol

Sweet that is the one I always wanted. Congrats on the great deal. I wonder if they have a new one coming out?

That is what I was thinking. They have one bigger than the one I have. It has a refrigerator and radio. They want $1800 for it however.

I was amazed how high tool chests are. Stuff like this is ridiculously priced. Ever price Snap On tools? Geezzz. My feelings aren't hurt that I don't own Snap On. lol

I am going to build my own work bench made out of steel, wood, and stainless steel. It will be much stronger, built to fit me, and bigger for the same amount that I can buy one of these cheap work benches.

Thanks guys!