Glass removal

on the old valiants-- never had a problem with 1 person-- getting out the glass & seals-- heat is your friend--- I did this in the fall on 80 degree days.

get some wood shims from your local hardware stores,

have a new razor blade to cut the sealant/goop that is virtually bonded to glass & seal
remove lockstrip
run razor blade all the way around the glass/gasket lip area-- do this both on the inside & outside.
start on the upper side, slide the shim between the glass & gasket-- once you can slide it through-- your golden, use 2/3 shims-- whatever it takes to wedge the glass loose from the gasket-- once you have a start follow that direction wedging a shim & seperating the gasket/glass.
when you get 1 upper corner loose the glass will start coming out quicker.
get both top corners loose & pull the glass free.

use constant pressure / if you use metal you can crack the glass quickly