Foreign cars

I don't like the idea that most of the things we as americans purchase are not made in the usa my electronics are asian [my tvs are 15-20 years old] ,we have an 06 vw,11 mustang,98 ram,66 barracuda, 73charger [i'm sure the latter two are american made]. However i'm not planning to purchase a new vehicle at my age if i do buy another driver it will be a classic of some sort,my home is furnished with thirft store stuff that is not pressboard crap, most of my wife and my clothes are yard sale/thrift store purchases. Oh by the way my wife of 25 years is imported from South Korea,i eat asian food,my kids have owned or own foreign cars. At this point in time you have 2 choices be pickey and own almost nothing or don't worry about it and go with the flow, all the complaining in the world ain't gonna change it. The greedy bastards have taken every thing that this country was built upon and torn it down in the name of profit,they change the constitution to suit them they change laws to make it impossible for americans to afford to live so they will lose their fight/drive for change, i'm sick and tired of bustin my *** for peanuts while someone is makin a profit from my labor. Greed needs to be abolished and a revolution is the only way it can be done talking,voting dont cut it.