Foreign cars

Interesting thread to say the least. I have a bit of time so let me interject a bit if REAL thought that has a bit of history backing it. Sure we all get into making a living and going through the motions of getting upset with the issues we see on the news day in and day out but seldom IMO do we understand or really take a look at the real big picture. After reading some of this subject it looks like there are different thoughts of what is foriegn and what is not. Personally i think we have been sold out and are simply reaping the results of a speech made on the deck of a battle ship during the surrender of the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. The Emporer making that surrender stated that the next time we will take the U.S. from within without firing a shot, in so many words. You must admit, they are well on their way. Go to walmart and buy a toaster. Where's it made. Go try and buy about anything and look where it's made. Look at the foothold the foriegners have gained in the functionality of the day to day operations of our simple lives. Eventually they will control us to a point that we will all have to bow to their demands. You say aint gona happen. Fine, when ya pull your heads out of the sand it will still be them calling the shots. Imagine this. You think the unemployment is bad now just wait until they achive their goal in the amount of our economy that they think is necessary to make such demands. We let em know real quick that this is America and we aint gona bow to their demands. Hide and watch em close every door at every manufacturing facility on American soil and then look at the employment issue. Now some of you dont care to look at the BIG picture but it is so big that many cant see it. This is a possibility. "And God bless America ...Again."
Small Block