Fuel injection with a 6-71 on the street.

Jack, the tuning and driveability of fuel injection really cannot be duplicated with carburetion. Although a properly set up and thought out carbureted fuel system can come close, there will always be a difference........ESPECIALLY in the ability of fuel injection to calm down a more radical camshaft and make it more driveable on the street. However, as you've eluded to, there is a learning curve, and unfortunately, it's not something that anyone can really impart, at least not in whole, because each system is different on each engine. These people here though http://www.efisupply.com/fast_ez_efi.htm can probably give you some good advice. I like those units. Much like a carburetor, they are throttle body injectors, but they are complete units with throttle body, injector rails and injectors all in the same unit.