NTSB friggin nuts

There are 2 reasons for what they are doing. Just like DUI checkpoints, they are trying to make a law to make money. The secondary reason is to make it look like they are trying to "childproof" the roads.
We all know that DUI checkpoints generally do not make the roads safer. They aren't aimed at getting the drunk off the road. They target anyone who has had a couple of drinks and more or less ruin them financially. It's the drunk who causes the problems. Not the casual drinker.
People who text while driving are a hazard, not those who take an occasional quick call. It's no worse than grabbing your coffee or soda out of the drink cup while gabbing with whoever is in your car with you. If you are going to have an extended conversation, then handsfree is the way to go. No different that passing the time on a commute by gabbing with whoever is in the car.