NTSB friggin nuts

Wow, lots of comments on this this cell phone thread, man loosing the right to talk and text while driving drew alot of hit. Even more than US soldiers remains being dump in a land fill!!! HUMMMM, guess it's like the news goes away after a day or so, so we can listen for two weeks about some politician tries to get next to some gal early in thier career !!!


Not much to say about the scumbags who threw the vets into a dump. The deed is already done. I was too enraged to comment and still am. Just because some of us didn't say anything, don't think for a moment we don't care. Not much I can do about it, 'cept vote. I guess I would throw them in a dump when their turn comes. Problem is many of these people think we are just re-arranged pond scum so they won't care where we throw them.