NTSB friggin nuts

So if I see a crime or unsafe act taking place it is against the law to report it if I am driving. I hope this law comes back to bite one of them in the *** when they have a family member in trouble.

My neigbor got a drinking and driving and a DUI while Cutting his grass on his rider with a beer in his hand on his own property. His neighbor called because he felt it was unsafe and he cut the property line crooked. He Fought it and lost.
In Illinois it is illegal to opperate any motorized vehicle while under the influence. In other words it is illegal to run a push mower. My wife is a nurse. Care to guess how many loving and caring parents somehow manage to cut their childrens feet off. Or back up over their own children on "their own property"? Just because you are on your own property doesn't give you permission to be commiting all kinds of crimes. By the way, we don't own our property. We rent it from the government.