NTSB friggin nuts

It is definately about the money . If they didn't want you to text or talk while driving a GPS could be instlled in all phones with a MPH switch that deactivates the phone while its moving. But this would put a dent in someone elses pocket but ours.

Also DUI check points are always set up after 12 PM . Thats because bar rooms are forced to close at 2 AM. If being publicly intoxicated and driving under the influence is illegal. Why not force all bars and clubs to stay open all night and provide a place to stay for those who had to many. Or only allow drinkers to have the legal limit and send them on there way. If we are concerned about the saftey of others out at 2 AM. make sure they do not consume to much in a goverment controlled place. Make a limit.

Sure they bring up saftey issues we all can relate to. But why give anyone the opportunity and then make a law to make us pay for there mistake in the first place.

They bust drug users to climb the latter to the money makers on the top. What about the companies making the money on the Alclhol and cell phones if phones and alcohol are the highest causes of death on our roads. Lets make the distributors pay. Maybe their use would be more regulated with other means as mentioned.

You can't put candy in front of kids and cut their fingers off if they eat it. Or could you???. We could charge them the rest of their lives for sewing them back on.