need misc stuff

Exo from your 19 posts I can tell your new here so Ill be nice. Regardless of whether or not your thread was "Hijacked" or not that kind of attitude will not get you any buyers or sellers, because we would be concerned as to whether or not us "Jackasses" would make you upset. I agree that different steps should have been taken rather than taking your whole post but the rules are clearly posted before you post the ad so your negligence is apparent. Furthermore I dont think that someone whos 19 posts consist of either asking for parts or complaining about being reprimanded for not following the rules (With no real contributions of their own) has no authority to say what is or isnt acceptable conduct. I appologize if i have stepped on any toes but People are here as a group, if you cant follow the rules then that is your hang-up.

Well said JR.

EXO your very welcome to contribute to the board here but the rules are written out in large words when you click to post and so simple to follow you have no one to blame but yourself. Calling a moderator names for doing his job is simply uncalled for.[-(