need misc stuff

Well said JR.

EXO your very welcome to contribute to the board here but the rules are written out in large words when you click to post and so simple to follow you have no one to blame but yourself. Calling a moderator names for doing his job is simply uncalled for.[-(

I understand the rules. I have not called any moderators any names as if you read my post I HAVE NOT. :wack:

""Well instead of completely deleting my post and inserting your little post couldn't you just have deleted the email bit from my post and left everything else intact since you have the power (hack) to do so. Then just leave your own post saying "See rules regarding email adress in for sale ads... " That way everyone is happy? ""

I see absolutely no names.
No emails no problem I get it but you people don't need to be rude about and accuse me of calling others names when you can clearly read my post and see that I have not.