Chrysler brings back the Dodge Dart

Fiat has the controlling aspect of Chrysler. Fiat has the final word on decision making.

Regardless, I'm glad Fiat stepped up to the plate to help Chrysler out instead of letting them die out.

Those of you hating on Fiat remember one thing...the guys that built the old Chryslers that you loved so much also drove your same old company into the ground. I don't know if that's the type of character I could stay loyal to.

diameler is the one that drove chrysler into the ground.. Iacocca brought chrylser back with the K-car and mini van. then what was supposed to be a merger not a take over like it turned into happened. all down hill from there...

bottom line is chrysler was a foreign car while with diameler and is a foreign car once again with fiat. a toyota or honda is just as american ad a chrysler product these days. hell a camry is designed and built here. the new dart is just a stretched fiat.