Rebirth of Dustbull-with 408ci, efi, t56, dana 60

Glad to see you are working through the nasty accident, never fun especially with a car you have put so much into. Sounds like you have received pretty fair compensation for the car, but I wanted to chime in on the potential medical, I was rear ended in 2000, not hit nearly as hard but ended up messed up. Turns out that I squished a disk in my neck which resulted in serious surgery at the Mayo Clinic, about $50K in "body work" if you would, still have tingling in my fingers and weakness in my arms. Never be the same again, so follow the advice many have given you here and take care of that end of it. Cars come and go, but if you lose your health you are screwed, ask needsaresto, he will give it to you straight. Good luck on the new project also, looks like you are well on your way.