1968 Dodge Dart GT for sale in NJ [Not Mine]

@ fzmax...The dealer probably is one of the *saturday morning special* type dealers. He probably dosnt even have his website inquire link hooked to a working email address:wack:

I went to the NJ craigslist and found the most current posting which was yesterday.


Looks like the dude has been listing it about every other day since November 30th. IFFFFFFF...your still intrested...give a call up there and hit him with an offer and see if he bites. If wont deal...F'em...He's probably into the car for more then what people have been offering...or just greedy and trying to milk the $1000 trade-in value he got trading it in. Eitherway, you want no parts of that.

At the end of the day...Its almost the end of the month for him. Worst yet...the holiday stretch. In the small used car game...cars that sit on the lot aint making you any money. And if you aint turnin em over....you aint earnin :burnout: