Any folks know 220 wiring ?

220 is not rocket science. You have three legs coming in to your box. Lets make this simple there are two sides to every breaker box. Each side is 110 On your breaker panel with out breakers if you look there will be two rows for breakers . This is two of the legs. 110 each

Each row from the top down alternates which side the small 110 breeker pulls from. If you add a wider two leg 220 breaker it pulls off opposite sides two diffrerent hot legs. This gives you your two hot legs for 220

Now the nuetral and ground . They get hooked to the third leg. This is the nuetral and the ground going to the same leg coming in. My compresser is hooked up with a number 10/3 Romex for 110 . I have two hots black /white and a uncoated ground. This is 220 . Some inspections require a nuetral and a ground but its not needed. You only need three Wires.

I also have 3 phase eqipment . I was told I would need a $700.00 -$1000.00 roto phase converter to run all these pieces at one time . I have a $100.00 static phase converter. I use the first machine started and turn my static phase converter to a roto phase . I can run all mills and lathes and saws at one time . If I need a slow speed on the lathe motor I just start another machine.

Two hots and one ground you got 220. But the hots have to come from separate legs off the breaker or power source. That was easy.

Your generator may not have enough power to run your compressor. Mine is a 5500 generac and it won't run the lights, AC and compresser at the same time in my race trailer. Its a very small 110 compessor. But I do run alot of lights.