Is Hotrodding dead?

Hell no hot rodding's not dead. I'M JUST GETTING STARTED!

I think it has a lot to do with money, but also space... Most young adults are in cities, and a lot of them live in apartments, and most apartments dont have garages... i know this to be the case at least for me here in southern california. I'm 31 and finally at the point in my life were I've been lucky enough to find a townhome with a one car garage. Also I couldn't have a hot rod as my only car, because of all the work I need to do to it and get done to it... So just last year I paid off my daily driver, and as of last month I was finally able to purchase my 65 barracuda as a second car. It's not fast yet, but it will be one day.

You make some good points though MoparDemon... Reminds me of this motorcycle video I saw a while back.. Check it out. Many of the same sentiments.
Handmade Portraits: Liberty Vintage Motorcycles on Vimeo

I think you hit it spot on about having a place to work on a car for us city folk... I had to sell my last car because I was renting and didn't have anywhere to put it (esp. with all the damn street sweeping here lol)

Garages are tough out here!