G'Bye ol buddy!!!

in just over 3 hours, I have to make that dreaded trip to the vets office with my cat, Mork!! He's 15-1/2, has had a pretty good life, but has been wasting away, he';s down to 6 lbs from a weight of 13 some years ago. Half blind, partially deaf, and has recently lost control of where and when he goes the bathroom(well, he DOES use the litter, sometimes), he has arthritis real bad, walks pained and it';s just time, time to let him go gracefully.

It'll be hard, he's been with me since I got my apartment when me and the dragon lady separated the first time. He's been a great cat, a good teacher(has "schooled" 3 kittens)and always knew when I needed him around me.

Today @ 1230 I'll say goodbye to him..........this is so freakin hard!!