G'Bye ol buddy!!!

Poor little guy.

Sounds like he knew he was loved.

Got any pics from better times?

This is our little smart guy- Nougat at the computer, and then his brother Buddy, with or first stray, Skittles. The little guys are now 1 1/2 and Skit is 2

The only pics I have from when he was healthier are hard copy, nothing on the computer, but I plan on going thru them and making a photo collage for the wall. He got the name "mork" because I got him, and his sister/litter mate, a female, and named them Mork and Mindy after the tv show characters. As younguns, they were quite adventurous. I lived in a house for a whil with the walls done in kinda rough cedar. Mork, before declawing, would climb the wall, literally to the ceiling. I had a Coca-Cola clock, nice mirrored background that made it's way to the floor, and a 10000 pieces while I was at work. That's when the declawing decision was made. Mindy met her demise some years ago, when I wasnot living in the house with them(separation/divorcing) on the road.

In that last pic, Mork weighed 6 lbs. He had a Thyroid disease, he could eat constantly and gain no weight. He used to bug me constantly for food. At his healthiest, he weighed 13 lbs and could cross a room like a flash of light. I still have 3 cats, noone of which were mine as kittens. M

This morning was particularly hard, I woke up knowing he was gone, but he used to start bugging the **** out of me as soon as I came out of the bedroom, and even though I knew he wasn't here, I missed his meowing @ me.

Again, thanks to all of you, he was with me 15-1/2 years, had a great/unique personality, and knew when I needed some of his attention.