**Almost Died Today, No Joke**

Louis I'm glad that you and your family was unhurt. I have to say that you are a good man for controlling yourself when confronting that guy. We have talked about this before and I know that you used to be as crazy as me in our younger days. It's a hard thing for me to not get in crazy mode. We really have to keep ourselves in check sometimes, because now that we have families to support we have to look at the big picture.

Just the other day while driving by myself in town some idiot cut me off, then proceeded to flip me off. I found myself following him for a distance to what ever store he was going to with the intention of leaving him KO'd in the parking lot. I had to snap out of it and let it go. 15 years ago it would have been worth it, but there is too much to lose now. Someone has to take care of that pretty wife and daughter.

Yeah it is hard when things happen sometimes to snap out of it. These are test to remind us to keep ourselves in check which in cases like this is a tough to do.

When I got home after us almost being hit, my daughter started telling my wife the story about the neighbor and I just said I'll be back and walked out to my car. My wife knows how I am and did not say a word to me cause she knows it will not do any good.

I had a vision of the guy laying KO'd on his porch as we walked home until I got into my car. He lives about a 1/4 mile around the corner so I had a little time to calm down. Whats weird is I am never out there and the only reason I was is to make sure my daughter was ok because she was gone longer than normal. I do believe if I was not there doing jumping jacks so the guy would see us, he would for sure have hit my daughter. She had her Ear Buds in listening to Music until she seen me and popped them out cause we started talking. One good thing about being a gear head is we know the sound of a cracked wide open throttle and can hear it from a long way's off.

This guy has been driving like that since he moved into the neighborhood. I told my wife 5 years ago that he is going to kill someone, I did not think it would almost be us.

Most definitely now if I see him driving like that he will be Video'd and I will call the police.

On another story kind of like yours. My brother's sister inlaw got cut off a few years back and she flipped out on the guy flipping him off etc. The light ahead turns Red and she did not think anymore about it. The guy got out of the his car pulled her out her seat wacking her head all over the window frame and was teeing off on her head at the same time the only thing keeping her in the car was her seat belt................. Damn she got her azzz kicked really good on that one, No witnesses and nobody went to Jail. She did however need to go to the hospital and she has scars to this day because of it........ She was one of those loud mouth women that is good looking and thought she can could do anything and get away with it, not anymore though since that day.