Kidney stones

I'm a weed guy myself and found Demerol OK, in fact I had hernia surgery with that alone, was wide awake during the 45 min surgery in Toronto.

I got Demerol back in the 80's when I wiped out and broke my lower leg bones-both and my hip and my upper jaw. Next time ask for that instead. 80 cc's I got every 4 hours back in the 80's but with the hernia I got only 50 cc's, still made me feel comfy and pain free--well it did hurt a few times but it quickly past.

Beats being 90% out of it like most the other guys. My nurse was like, well see how you do with just the Demerol but I have a shot ready for you if needed. I was in a great mood start to finish, laughing, joking..after what I went through in the 80's, this was nothing.

UGH, waking up with a mouth full of blood cause the machine that pumps the blood out of your lungs malfunction might had been the low point of my 19 days in the hospital--or was it the first night when I woke up still covered in blood at 1 am and cried out how come I wasn't cleaned up a bit and the nurse goes cause they likely didn't think you live 12 hours ago. Bath time starts at 6 am, we clean you up then, I was pissed but blacked right out--they must have gave me a knock out drug. Woke up again at 4 am and they came early and washed me up a bit.

Nobody told me for a week my jaw was busted, just knew I lost some front hurts more once you know about it I was told !