Superbird or Daytona?

They were built and sold for street use only SO THEY WOULD MEET NASCAR RULES, to use them on the race track. they didn't build them for you to like, they built them to RACE. many got the nose and wing removed and made back into regular cars just so the dealer could sell them. The Charger 500 wasn't a pretty car with the coronet grill but it was faster than the stock charger.

purpose built car, made to go faster than any other stock car

a little over 1900 superbirds and just about 500 Daytona's

one reason that you don't see or hear as much about the Dodge

I like them both, have only been able to drive a bird but have a few friends with Daytona's

but there are a few other cars that would be ahead of a wing car if money were no object