Superbird or Daytona?

Like all so called polls and statistics, your poll is biased. There is no correct answer.

The CORRECT answer is "neither of the above."

The "nose" cars were some of the ugliest on the planet. If Ma would have bothered to REALLY design the front of the car as such, they might have had a chance, but adding six feet of crap onto what used to be a passenger car does not make a Starfighter.

In other words, Ma didn't put lipstick on a pig, they hung a pig onto something that should've been left alone.

I'll NEVER understand why these got to be worth so much money. For me, a stock 70 RR/ GTX is MUCH better looking than one of these damn things
I'll NEVER understand how people think it's ugly. To me it's one of the coolest designs out there and it looks amazing. But everybody is entitled to there opinion.