Kidney stones

Never had one and hope not to but from what i heard there painful as hell.

I had a tube stuck down me twice in the hospital, once when I was brought in to er and then 10 days later on cause I needed jaw surgery. Yeah it hurt back then having the tube slip in you but seems fine now. I wounder if it help open up what ever its called--starts with a U........?

Having that tube inside you took away all control, it had a bag and every few hours it needed to be empty. Could just lay around all day without worrying about peeing.

I think you can wear the bag and walk around, only thing is risk of infection is high, I got an infection 2 weeks after leaving the hospital, my lymp-nos swelled up--my lower tummy and I need antibiotics.

You might want to talk to your doctor about it, I would do it if it meant no pain--well its painful getting the tube stuck in but then if feels OK, just no more sex until the tube is removed...and you got a bag to wear and change-empty.


Hope I never get them, good luck