Tebow Who????

ummmm, do you forget how old he was when he won his first superbowl against the rams? wasn't that his second year in the nfl ? he had ice water in his veins from from one.

Sure this is Tebow's 2nd year; however, it's his first as a starter....and he didn't even start the first 4 games!! He still has a 7-2 record as a starter and as I recall....that's a WINNING record!! So this being his first year I say, "not bad at all." If Brady went to the SB his 2nd year, who says Tebow won't his 2nd year...there's still a lot of time from now to then...heck he may even go this year :cheers:....never know! What would that say about Brady then? What would that say about Tebow?...just that one played a good game and the other didn't.

Thanks! It was a good time...my first NFL game.