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I was sitting on the hood of my Duster in the staging lanes ready to make a pass, and some guy came up to me and said, "Nice car, is it yours?" Like I would just sit on some random guy's car.

I was at a small car show about 10 years ago with about 100 cars or so. I came back from walking around and saw a guy sitting on the trunk of my car with his feet resting on the bumper. I held my composure at first- rather than walk up and punch him in the face like I wanted I walked up and said "nice car". He said "thanks, but its my buddies car." I responed with "Really, I DON'T REMEMBER KNOWING YOU!! GET OFF MY CAR!" This drew a large crowd and all of a sudden I had about fifteen people I didn't know circle around the car and they wanted to be my friend and pummel this guy for me. I let him walk away being yelled at to leave by everyone around, then event staff told him he needed to leave.

After that ordeal everyone wanted to check out my car, I was telling a few guys about the car when one of them interupted and asked why I painted a General Lee car green, if I was offended by the flag. I just smiled and changed the subject.