Tebow Who????

i have lived in colorado since 1975. i am not a broncos fan. denver fans are very passionate about their broncos. given that, i have watched people jump on the bronco bandwagon when the broncos are having a winning season and hate on them when they suck. the majority of denver fans here are loyal and they talk a lot of sh*t about them when their team is winning and i have witnessed more than my share of armchair boxing matches over stupid play calling and the ever popular suggested referee pay offs. the broncos CAN be a good team and i have seen it over and over BUT this whole thing with tebows last minute antics will never have any success in the playoffs.yes it is great entertainment and it draws the fans and the dollars but it will never win a superbowl game.THATS NOT TO SAY that 3 or 4 years down the road that tebow wont pull off big wins but you have to be consistant throughout the game. elway earned his respect with last minute comebacks ,but he was also just as good throughout the 60 minutes,most of the time.the tebow thing has gotten blown out of the water and i think that while it will make him and the nfl big bucks, he just isnt a good QB RIGHT NOW.it is amazing what the media can do to one person, he does that BS for the cameras but yes,he is a good role model.here in colorado, that tebowing bullsh*t is all over the news ALL THE TIME, and it is OLD already,i would turn it off,but it is everywhere and well, i dont like him,and if they were to win a super bowl i still wouldnt like him,thats my opinion, but how many people do you know that have all of the sudden became denver fans?its amazing,when the season first started,i overhear a coworker (a vikings fan)talking about how the broncos suck and how they couldnt win a game if hell froze over, and the week before last he was a raving broncos lover for years. what a hyprocrite.its old already, GO BRONCOS lol