Men and Cookies

wow!!!!! those LOOK GREAT!!!! i love the barracuda cookie!!! that made me laugh out loud!!!

Thank you James! I'm glad somebody besides StrokerScamp knew what it was ... some of the comments I've gotten on FaceBook are hilarious.

Leanna Lynn Johnson
Some of you know I bake some SERIOUS amounts of Christmas cookies every year (it's a family tradition). Had a little fun last night with the Sugar Cookies ... figured I'd share one for dessert with your lunch. Merry Christmas everybody!

Shawn Wiegel Is that a gumby Cookie?

Heather Keay Babecki looks like a shark.

Rob Merritt It's a barracuda.

Heather Keay Babecki Ahhh Of course!

Shawn Wiegel Did she wreck it? lol

Chuck Bollinger Barracuda :) good job, Merry Christmas Leanna, and Happy New Year :)

Christopher Kernion in her color no less!

Leanna Lynn Johnson Geez, I'm just gonna take it off and let ya'll find your own dessert LMAO

Shawn Wiegel Merry christmas Cudachic!

Heather Keay Babecki Owwww I had a nibble already. to late to take it back.

Kathy Defeo Nice Barracuda! lol

Mike Hansen It'll never run...

Leanna Lynn Johnson Mike, you're killin me here. But you forgot the first four words to that old familiar sentence ..........

Chuck Bollinger I am sure its delicious ::)))

Mike Hansen I guess old age has set in... What first four words (I've said a lot of **** in my life, ya know...)...

Leanna Lynn Johnson Ohhhh for like 12 years I heard that sentence every time you saw Slimer. "That piece o'**** will never run." I don't care how old I get, I'll never forget that one. You were one of my main inspirations to getting it done. One of these days you'll get a ride in it too ...

Marc Antony Curtis I would like to eat it...but it does look like a dead lizard! lol

Mike Hansen Glad I could be of cervix... I am here to motivate people to do the improbable... Git 'er done ;o)

William Ertz i think its cool

Max Heim That is a Slimer Green Barracuda!

Boyd Fiedler That thing got a HEMI in it? LOL!

Chuck Bollinger You need to bake more often Leanne, really generated some interest here :) lol, when i first saw it, i thought it was powder coated ::)))) lol

Chuck Bollinger Does the winner here get to eat your cookie ? ::))) lol

Brian Seltzer ยท Friends with Mike Hansen
Mike, Looks like a sick *****. LOL

Jeff Alter first I thought it was a I see its a Barracuda in the Limelight...

Jason Binger Looks like baby **** [thinking I need one less friend here]

Joe Roberts HAHAHA, wish I was there for the creative cookie making! That's awesome!!

Tim Moller Sorry girl...that's one I think I would need to throw back! What kind of icing is that anyway?