Are our Slants "Unsafe"?

Actually Dan,70Dartsedan is right. People have changed drastically since the 50-60's. Society used to care for thier sick,elderly nieghbours. Very few do this now,simply because they are more self centered,too busy thanks to both parents having to work or simply dont give a crap about anything but themselves.People have been desensitized to suffering thanks to seeing waaaaay too much via the media. I also feel the loss of religion has caused many folks to change thier morality,to the point where thier morals only suit thier personal needs and nothing else.New generations are drastically different from when I was raised.

I also feel that folks KNOW thier cars are safer,handle better and take more risks based upon those facts than they did when our A bodies were new. After all back then folks also knew they would definitely be injured in a crash,and the cars were less capable of avoiding a crash so folks drove according to thier cars abilities.[/QUOTE]

That is the thing, you go to your local Wal-mart and you just walk up to any random person and wish them "Merry Christmas" they will either reply Merry Christmas back or they will give you a wierd look. Either way it would be awkward. It would not be so way back when.

No, it's because every type of engineering has evolved based on more and more knowledge, better and better tools.

I never said that it wasn't.

Disagree. Today's drivers are differently bad than yesterday's, is about all. Drunken driving was laughed off, nobody wore seatbelts, and carbon monoxide levels in any kind of dense traffic area were so high that everyone was operating while impaired.

Yeah, even so people these days will tailgate like you won't believe. Also they won't even be so nice as to wait 5 seconds to let someone in from a driveway. Last time I checked I'm the only one I;ve seen that waits until the lights at a RR crossing have stopped and the gate goes up (like you should)

That is not a supportable statement unless you're pointing out the obvious fact that they're still metal boxes on four wheels, usually powered by a gasoline or diesel engine. Other than that, virtually everything in terms of technology and technique has changed, and if you make the comparison from the relevant angle (actual safety performance) then today's cars might as well be Jetsons items -- they are that different and that much better than yesterday's.

They are, according to Bill Gates, if cars were computers they'd do everything, and they'd be super cheap. As the technology get's BETTER it gets CHEAPER, so why are cars more expensive today than before (that's another subject). Again, I wasn't denying that cars are safer. Infact, I've noticed that with the last ten years cars are DRAMATICALLY safer. I know crumple zones, air bags, better seat belts, door bars, overall purpose-built construction, and countless other things. Something that is undeniable, is MOPAR was onto something with unibodies, if they were not SAFER than cars of the ERA then why is it that almost ALL cars have this body construction?

No amount of talespinning or handwaving makes yesterday's cars anywhere near as safe as today's, in any kind of crash. They just plain aren't. Not in the real world.

If you are driving an old car it is not PRIMARILY because of safety. Personally I like the simplicity and ease of DIY. I also like the looks and the unrestricted engine performance. As long as I am a safe driver and I have a well maintained vehicle I should very likely never crash. and don't start on "unpredictable circumstances" those factors are just there, that's why they're unpredicatble factors.