Men and Cookies

OMG Leanna would you marry me. I don't care that all that sugar and chocolate and cream cheeze you bake with would cause me to sieze up like a crusty old ford windsor. I'd go out a happy man and did I mention I'm rich, nudge nudge. :glasses7: That's right I'll have a Canadian wife and an American wife, hey if the mormons can do it so can I. (for those about to flip out and shout racism, I used to be mormon so I can joke about them).:blob::blob:

Merry Christmas Leanna and to all you other members have a Happy, Safe, Weigh Scale Spiltting, Head Ache Free, New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Well Terry, you already got the garter. I guess the rest is a matter of time. :-D

Love ya muahhhhhhhhhhhh