My New Shop!! Yiippeee!

How much dust does that machine produce?
Just curious.
That floor is going to be tough to work on! What I mean is, you'll cringe everytime you drop a heavy tool on it! LOL Just kidding. Looks fantastic bud.


It wasn't one of the turbos if that helps any. When looking at these machines online I found if is states turbo it produce very quickly. It was electric (120v) removed it slowly.

Yes I will cringe no doubt. lol

I have a clear coat that is going to go on top of the base after I wait 18 hrs. I am hoping that clear coat is going to give me a impact protection of some sort. If damage does occur they have touch up kits. Some epoxy companies don't mention or don't have touch up kits. When I was searching for epoxy floors it was mentioned that I needed to try to get a system that has touch up kit just in case.

I have a asshole buddy (if that makes since) who says "You won't be able to use that shop" because of the floor system. He has brought this up to my attention more than once. He says "When I build my shop I wont have to worry about that because it will be just concrete and nothing else." I might have some regrets about the flooring on down the line but I mainly trying to keep the oil stains from happening. Or anything else that would stain concrete. My boss says my buddy is just jealous about of me having a nice shop. I got to thinking and my boss is right. It is just how he rolls. He is one of these guys that walk around miserable all day, putting down everything and everyone, total asshole!