anti-pollution when did it start

If Canada was same as U.S. PVC valve "only" was started in early 60's

Full engine smog, IE revamped timing, carb jetting, "smog pumps" on other brands started in California in 66, all other U.S. states in 68 model year

It only got worse from there. EGR, unleaded fuel, various electronic controlled carbs, bleachk

I can still remember a short, whiney voiced Chivvy mechanic in the fall of 67, we all standing around "whut about these new smog laws"

Lloyd, his high whiney irritating voice, (read this with your nose pinched) "Why, the pubic will never stand for it!! There'll be riots in the streets. People will be bla bla bla."

And of course, ......................we all just shut up and took it.

With all the hot rodding, modifications, etc, it is interesting to note that EVEN THOUGH there seems to be no (U.S.) federal enforcement of smog laws for cars, IT IS ILLEGAL to remove or disable any smog equipment on any car.

'Course "aye" own a 67..............